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Family Devotion for June - Exodus 31: 1-11

Opening Discussion: What are the talents and skills that God has given to each person in your family?

Focus Verse: "6 ...I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I have commanded you:"

Observations: The Holy Spirit fills people to give them inspiration and skill to do a variety of tasks for God's glory. In today's passage, we see a variety of abilities that the Holy Spirit grants to skilled workers. Some are given sensitive noses so they can make the anointing oil and fragrant incense, others are given agile fingers to make beautiful woven garments, and some are given a strong and steady hand to make large heavy furniture for the temple. Each of these people are called to be perfectionists, so that they can carry out God's instructions exactly.


Personality Types: The people listed in today's reading care a lot about presentation, and tend to be very picky and precise. Why does God give some people this type of personality?

Skill Types: Some people are great at overseeing large projects. They have administrative gifts that help organize teams and promote efficiency. Others like doing one part of the process by themselves. Why is it important to not just have skills but also humility?

Purpose: The people mentioned by name are even more exceptionally gifted than the other skilled workers. What purpose are Bezalel and Oholiab called to fulfill with their abilities?


Dear God, thank you for gifting all of us with unique skills to serve you. Help us to look for opportunities to use what you have given for your glory. Instead of being ruled by pride or envy, help us to find peace and joy by serving you with humility.

In Jesus' name we pray.

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