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Jan 3, 1 John 2: 12-27, by Angela


Today’s passage warns us not to fall into the pride and temptation of the world. Instead as people who are forgiven and promised eternal life, we are to remain in God and the Son. We have to remember what God has told us from the beginning.

Focus Verse:

17The world and its desires passes away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

23No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has he Father also.

Reflection: "What is God saying to you through this verse?"

I should be joyful and thankful that my sins are forgiven and that I am promised the greatest gift, the eternal life in his Kingdom. I should not be distracted by pride and temptation of the worldly things and keep my focus on God and Jesus Chris. Time to time, life can be hard and difficult to get through, but struggles are nothing compared to what God will show to me in heaven. When I remember that I am destined to spend eternity with God, the purpose and the meaning of life becomes clear. Life is all about remaining in God and his Son Jesus Christ.


Dear God, thank you for forgiving my sin and saving me through Jesus Christ. Thank you for loving me and giving me eternal life. Please bless us with love, joy, and thanks. In Jesus’ name.

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